
A Thanksgiving Story

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone in a flurry of activity; running around finishing all the different odd jobs we had procrastinated on over the summer, preparing our house for guests.   For 17 years, Thanksgiving weekend has been a big deal in the Cractpot household. For 17 years we have gathered all the… Continue reading A Thanksgiving Story


Cractpot Schedule

Well, it appears that I somehow missed September.  In my defense, over here in my neck of the woods, it didn’t really feel like September at all.  The temperatures were in the 30’s with a humidity level that had my hair all confused trying to decide whether it was channelling Hermoine or Hagrid. Still, despite the weather,… Continue reading Cractpot Schedule


Comparing Fractions with Cractpots

I just spent 3 hours comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators.  To be perfectly clear, I suppose I should explain that despite the accusations of my son’s grade 6 teacher last year, I do understand the importance of allowing your child to do their own work.  However, I also see the value of a well placed,… Continue reading Comparing Fractions with Cractpots


Cractpot Check In

We’ve reached the halfway point check in for the summer and let me tell you, things do not look good for the Cractpots.  The players knew that the coming season was going to bring a few challenges; the oldest Cractpot had landed herself a volunteer role in a professional theatre company. Middle Cractpot was focused on making the… Continue reading Cractpot Check In


Up or Down Cractpots?

Long before Donald Trump introduced the term ‘fake news’ into our collective vocabulary, the internet was no stranger to shining a spotlight on just one part of the story and letting the rest of the world explode under the pressure to choose sides.  Several years ago, #Dressgate captured the attention of our friends and our celebrities alike, as social media platforms… Continue reading Up or Down Cractpots?


Cractpot Celebrities

via Daily Prompt: Impression im·pres·sion imˈpreSHən/ noun an imitation of a person or thing, especially one done to entertain. There is the old saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression but I’m not exactly sure who we are suppose to be imitating anymore.   Who are the experts these days? It seems safe… Continue reading Cractpot Celebrities

advice · journal

WTF Cractpot!

via Daily Prompt: Pursue Recently I’ve found myself grasping for inspiration.  It’s not that I’m blocked exactly, in fact it’s almost the opposite.  The horizon is so clear that I can see for miles, I’m just not sure what I’m suppose to be looking for.  Sometimes, the best writing comes from the worst situations, but lately life… Continue reading WTF Cractpot!


Cringe worthy Cractpot

I’ve noticed that there are some blogs that start their posts with a disclaimer.  A warning of sorts so that unsuspecting readers don’t stumble upon something that offends them.  I’m wondering if I need to start doing this.  A little note that explains that things are not always as they seem.Even when I try parenting ‘properly’… Continue reading Cringe worthy Cractpot